The royals are coming to animated television with HBO Max’s ‘The Prince’

Think Family Guy meets The Crown. HBO Max and writer and producer Gary Janetti will bring the British royal family to television with an animated series called The Prince. The satirical show is inspired by Janetti’s Instagram page, where he mockingly writes in the voice of one of the youngest members of the royal family, Prince George, to react to all things from royal news to the antics of the Real Housewives.
The show will also be in the point of view of Prince George — the son of Duke and Duchess William and Kate — who is voiced by Janetti himself, discussing his family and the monarchy. The series will see the now 6-year-old George growing up as heir to the British throne and will also feature the rest of the royal family as characters.
The Prince’s voice cast is likely to make Janetti’s Instagram version of Prince George swoon, with Orlando Bloom, Condola Rashad, Lucy Punch, Tom Hollander, Alan Cumming, Frances De La Tour and Iwan Rheon announced so far. And, don’t worry, although Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may no longer be senior royals, they do feature in The Prince with Bloom voicing Prince Harry and Rashad voicing Meghan. There is no doubt that Janetti will have a hilarious and biting take on Megxit, so follow his Instagram to hold you over until the show comes!
By Oorie Garabedian
Photo: HBO Max