Sophie Simmons

Releasing her poetry book entitled “Secrets I Would Never Say, but I Would Sing” this Friday, Sophie Simmons spoke with us at BELLO on the completion of it, on her music, and more. When COVID-19 hit, some of her plans for the release had to be altered but that did not stop her! Aiming to help her readers find the words they may not always be able to find, there is a lot this book will offer as it fills you up with a certain glow. Also a singer, Simmons has found her love and passion in using words through poetry and lyrics to express her feelings, thoughts, and more. You can pre-order her book here and make sure to keep an eye out as 2021 will be filled with new music!
You have the digital release of your poetry book coming out, congrats!! How are you feeling?
I’m really excited and scared at the same time. This book is two years in the making and if someone had not snatched it out of my hands, I would still be editing it. It’s really never ending; the urge to write something better. We’ve come to the conclusion that the books could be a series and each book could get better and grow with me.
Share with us the journey of creating it up until now. What obstacles have you faced? What lessons have you learned?
The pandemic was definitely a huge obstacle. This book was originally going to be a hard copy in a store, but manufacturing, distribution…everything really took a hit during the pandemic. We settled on this volume being an e-book, with a hard copy to follow hopefully in 2021. I have a much bigger respect for poets now. I devour poetry books like the ones from Michael Faudet and Lange Leav. I am nowhere near as talented as those writers…but I do think we all need to express ourselves – poetry, lyric writing, and music are all great ways.
Tell us more about it and what you hope your audience will gain from it.
I hope the audience will gain what I gain from poetry books. The words to express myself that I could not find myself. Often times I am feeling something and I can’t quite put my finger on it. Then, I pick up a book of palms and right there in black-and-white it’s written so clearly exactly what I’m feeling.
What does poetry mean to you? What purpose does it serve in your life?
Poetry and lyric writing are a huge part of my life. Not only because it’s part of my job, but because it’s truly a great outlet for expression. I’m always writing something down in my black moleskin notebooks, in my phone, or on random pieces of paper and collecting them to possibly use later on in music.
When did you know you wanted to pursue a career in the arts?
I think I knew very young that I wanted to go into the music industry, but I avoided it for a long time because I did not want the comparisons with my family. But you really can’t avoid the love of your life for very long.
Without giving it all away, can you share a little more about your upcoming music?
This year during the pandemic especially, I’ve been focused on writing for other artists. There was just a very big opportunity as a songwriter during the quarantine. I hope to release more of my original music at the top of the new year.
Describe in 3 words what your audience can expect from your upcoming music.
Dance, Sexy, and Dorky
Growing up, what was your favorite class? Why?
I really loved our computer lab in high school. I ate lunch in there every day. It was really the only place at my high school I liked hanging out.
Who has had a strong influence on you?
So many people. Family, friends, other songwriters… I think the list is endless and it keeps growing.
First act in 2021
Reflect on 2020, be thankful for what I have, and set goals.
Talent SOPHIE SIMMONS @sophietsimmons
Photograohy by MCLAREN RAY @mclarenray
Interview by ALEXANDRA BONNET @alexbonnetwrites