Prepare for Take Off with Kayden Grace Swan

At the age of 12, Kayden Grace Swan is already a published author and rising actress. Her most recent project will be on your screen this week with her role as Doria in Nickelodeon’s The Astronauts. Kayden shared with us the unique experience of portraying a young girl mistakenly sent into space, the relationships she made, and creating a zero-gravity effect.
Is there a specific moment that inspired you to go into acting?
No there isn’t a specific moment but I do remember being very young like 3 or 4 and watching one of my favorite shows and knowing that I would be on tv one day.
What is your favorite memory from working on Astronauts, on or off set?
My favorite memory from working on The Astronauts is hanging out with Keith! We would have so much fun doing anything from making TikToks to getting boba! He just makes everything so much fun.
How are you similar and different from your character Doria?
I think the biggest things Doria and I have in common are that we are creative, love fashion, music, science and social media but most all we can make even a dreadful situation feel special and fun. The biggest difference is definitely that Doria loves K-pop and I love Hip-Hop!
Your character has to work with others to survive in space. How did you guys prepare to have the group chemistry you have in the show?
The show is so well written and we had such great directors that the chemistry just came naturally!
Keith L. Williams plays your brother Martin. How did that help you with building your own character?
Having a character in the show that’s your older brother made it easy to really have the emotions a little sister would have in a stressful situation. Also it made it very easy because Keith and I bonded so well it’s actually like we are siblings!
What was it like creating a zero gravity effect for the show?
It was so much much fun! I compare it to the feeling of floating in water but without having the water! I would imagine myself being so light, that I could move around with hardly any effort.
You have also accomplished the amazing feat of being a published author. Can you tell us more about your writing work?
I’m currently finalizing my publishing deal, however Word Smash was a much needed creative outlet to the endless boredom of quarantine over the summer. I decided to write it as my English final and then I realized it could really be a book! It’s a book about my funny words I make up and use in silly situations. My second book Text Smashes is a collection of cleverly created texting acronyms that I made up and used during the pandemic. I always try to make the best out of any situation plus it helps that I find humor in almost everything!
Name someone you would love to work with in the future.
I would love to work with Will Smith in the future. I admire him so much!
What is your dream role?
This dream changes day to day! But right now, it would to be to star in a Twilight movie! If there were to be one more I would love to be a part of it!
You’re on a desert island and can only watch one TV show to keep yourself entertained. What is it?
Without a doubt Vampire Diaries!! I could watch this show everyday!!
What kind of project would you love to be a part of?
I would love to be a part of a biopic of Eartha Kitt. I have been told my entire life how I favor her and I recently read about her life and I truly believe she has an amazing story that needs to be told and I’d be honored to portray her.
Who inspires you and why?
I have been most inspired by Hydeia Broadbent. Even though I’ve never met her, her story of overcoming obstacles from such a young age is one of the most touching and motivating stories I’ve ever heard.
Share something that has helped you stay positive during quarantine.
I have been extremely fortunate during the quarantine. I was able to use a lot of my time writing two books, and I am a very positive person, I always find the best in any situation. I’ve learned to have great parties and hang outs online and my gaming skills have really improved!!
Talent Kayden Grace Swan @kaydengraceswan
Interview by Aris Pangan @arisjpangan
Photos By William Sikora III @sikorafoto