McDonald’s to Launch Scented Candles So Now Your House Can Smell Like a McDonald’s

Have you ever walked into a room, taken a sniff, and thought to yourself, “Could smell more like a fast food burger”? Then you’re in luck.
McDonald’s has released a pack of scented candles, that when lit at the same time, makes whatever room it’s in smell like a Quarter Pounder. Talk about feng shui!
There are six candles in the pack: onion, pickles, cheese, ketchup, bun, and 100% fresh beef. You can light each of them individually, but McDonald’s recommends lighting them at the same time for “maximum deliciousness” (it should go without saying but these candles are not edible).
The chain is selling these candles as part of their “Quarter Pounder Fan Club.” Sign me up! The candles have not yet been released; on the site, they are listed as “coming soon.” But rest assured, I will be here to tell you the second they go on sale, because I’ll be waiting as well.
By Michael Jacobo
Photo: McDonald’s