Getting Ready for the Biggest Day of Your Life

You found that special someone who makes everything in the world feel right. Congratulations! Now it’s time to get everything in order and plan for a memorable day that you’ll cherish for the rest of your lives.
Finding the Perfect Rings
Rings have no beginning and no end, representing eternity. There are dozens of styles, designs and colors to choose from. Don’t fret or get discouraged, the right rings are out there for you. All you have to do is narrow the search. For example, do you want to remain traditional or do you have a unique style all your own? Do you want bling and glamour or do you prefer subtle and natural? Makes a list of what you want before heading to a professional, high-quality jeweler. And of course, do the same before you start looking through the many different styles of engagement rings available online.
Your Budget
There’s no getting around it, barring hosting the event in your backyard, weddings are expensive. Give yourself plenty of time to save up the money necessary to experience that special day in style. Generally, you’ll need at least a year or two to plan. Again, lists and budgets are necessary to help you keep your expectations realistic. Factor in costs for the chapel, wedding venue, honeymoon, photographer, music, food, whether or not you want an open bar, flowers, and hotel accommodations for family members who live out of state. You’ll also have to find ways to pay for the wedding dress and tux, limo rental, and hairstylist. If you round up and overestimate how much you will need for these things and then do some bargain hunting, you may have money left over to spend on your honeymoon!
The Dress
The wedding dress you select will appear in all your cherished photos and, more than likely, all over the internet. A wedding happens once in your lifetime and you should go the extra mile and find the one that gives you the “Wow” feeling. Even if the cost is a bit higher than the others, you’re worth it.
Getting into Shape
With the wedding plans underway and a year at your disposal, you have ample time to get yourself physically ready for your special day. If you have a few pounds you want to shed, now’s the time. Waiting until the last minute will force you to starve yourself to meet your goal. The good news is that you can lose weight slowly so that the weight you lose will stay off. You can sign up at your local gym or take a low-impact workout class like Barre. Or, if you want, you can swim, jog or take a long bike ride 2 to 3 times each week.
Your Skin
Your face, neck, and hands will take center stage on your big day. There will be hugs, handshakes, and endless photos in which you need to look extraordinary. There’s no better time than the present to start a beauty routine for your skin that will slowly turn it from ordinary to silky smooth. Hydration is important and using a moisturizer that goes deep beneath the skin’s surface will heal your skin from the inside out.
Own Your Look
A few months ahead of your wedding it’s a good idea to play around with your hair and makeup to figure out how to achieve your perfect look. Have a good friend come over and try several different color palettes to see which ones enhance your facial features and make you look stunning. The same applies to your hair. Many hairstylists are more than willing to come to you prior to the wedding day to create several styles and so you can decide which one looks best.
Prepare to Look Beautiful
Traditionally, ladies’ nights out and stag parties are held the evening before the wedding. Why not break tradition and have yours a week or two ahead of time? This way you won’t have to worry that your tiredness will show up in your photos.
You found that special person who makes your heart beat fast. Now plan a wedding for the memory books.