
Open Your Eyes to WurlD

You know that feeling you get when you hear a song and can’t keep your feet from dancing and your hips from swaying? Well, that is the exact feeling you will get while listening to WurlD! Having been back and forth between the States and Africa, the talented artist is finally dropping his first full-length Debut Album! Back in the US, everything was clicking and it as a time to come back…Discovering more and more about who he is and what kind of music feeds his soul, WurlD is here to remind us of the importance of inclusivity, family, heart, and empowerment. Discover more of WurlD…You won’t want to miss this.

How are you feeling about your fifth project and first US based album coming out? 

I feel great!  It’s been a long time coming with many transitions, and I’m so excited to be dropping my first full-length Debut Album.

What can the audience expect? 

New Sounds, New range, and Feel good music.

Why did you decide to come to the US now? 

The timing just feels right. I started my music career in the US many years ago and made the transition back to Africa to be closer to home. Now I’m just having fun playing with different range in my sound.

What is it about the country that you were most attracted to?

It’s the Diversity and endless possibilities for me.

Share with us how your style has evolved over the years. How is this album different from others?

My style has been pretty consistent over time. I just added different layers as I grow as an artist and brand overall. This album is a lot different from the previous because it shows the more raw and gritty sides of me as man with many flaws.

In what ways do you merge the musical culture from Nigeria and the American one? 

I’m so blessed to have been able to create music effectively in both regions over the years. The fusion of sounds comes natural to me now and just focus on staying true.

What makes you get up and dance? 

-African music

What fills your heart with fire and passion? 


While making music, do you have any “rituals” you like to do?

I love jogging outside early in the mornings. It’s the only time I get to think freely before going to the studio. I’m a morning person and most of my recordings happen at the earlier times of the day.

What inspires you? 

I’m inspired by literally everything around me “people, places, and my personal experiences”.

Tell us a story from your childhood in which music had a strong impact on you. 

I used to be so infatuated watching Michael Jackson videos on tv as a kid in Nigeria. I thought he was the most amazing person on tv and I loved how his songs made me feel. I just dreamt to have a good impact on my audience one day too.

How do you decompress? 

I love going to the movies or simply stay home, cook and watch Netflix.

What is your source of recharging? 

Sleep works for me more these days. I try to get as much as I can to prevent myself from burning out.

Share with us your family dynamic and how it impacted who you are today.  

I’m 1 of 10 kids by my dad, and the 1st of 5 kids by my mom. Family is everything to me and I’m everything I am today because of family.

What does being an artist mean to you? 

Being an Artist is to me is my way of sharing my art, passion, truth with a wider audience.

Have you found your purpose yet?

Yes! The best feeling in the WurlD.

What comes next?

“My WorlD with U” Album.


Talent WURLD @thisiswurld
Photographer NIHAT ODABASI @nihatodabasiofficial
Photography Assistant @ozlem96 @ermanalkis
BTS @macbphotography
Stylists JULIANA VARGAS & VENETIA KIDD @juliandvenetia
Grooming COLLEEN GUZINSKI @colleendominique
Interview ALEXANDRA BONNET @alexbonnetwrites
Production @bellomediagroup x @maisonpriveepr_la x @alexbonnetwrites x @cabine_creative x@vizuvlgvds

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