Sarah Silva

BELLO YOUNG HOLLYWOOD be featured in February 2020 issue.

Sarah Silva Is Here to Stay
By Michael Jacobo

The young Latin American starlet, Sarah Silva, has made waves in Mexico and is now about to take over back in her home, the United States. From fashion to music to utilizing social media to the best of its ability, Silva is having a strong impact on her generation. Her bi-cultural background allows her to have an even more open perspective on the world and inspires her through her music, fashion, and more. If you haven’t already heard of her, mark my words…you are about to.

You started your career at such a young age. When did you know that you wanted to pursue a singing career?

Ever since I was little I knew I wanted to do something in the entertainment industry. Around age 5, I wanted to be a model because of this Latina American beauty pageant show. Then in kindergarten I learned “God Bless America” and since then I haven’t stopped singing. I traded singing for modeling. What also influenced me to pursue a career in the music industry was my family. During reunions my aunts, grandparents, and dad would always sing so in a way this motivated me. It made me realize that music is what I aspire to do.

As you produce different music styles, where do you get your biggest inspiration from?

Since I am bi-cultural I have a lot of picking and choosing when it comes to deciding my musical style. There are so many ways to go with it! Growing up in the American and Latin American cultures I have a taste of both sides of the musical cultures. In my music I am devoted to incorporating both sides of my roots because it’s who I am and when people listen to my music I want to portray the beauty of both ethnicities. I want to let people have a taste of how wonderful the two worlds are when they are meshed together.

Name someone in your life who you look up to and tell us why.

I really admire my parents, the way they try to make the best of each day is mesmerizing. They do everything they can to help my brothers and I achieve our dreams and goals. I have learned so much from them and I wouldn’t change that for anything. Everything I do is because of them, for them, and I hope someday I can repay all the kindness they have shown me.

You’re very active on social media. What’s your favorite way to interact with your followers?

I love expressing myself on social media. It’s a way to show people who you are with your words, fashion, day-to-day living, etc. My favorite thing is that it’s a free space where you can find and give inspiration to others. This is the reason I try to be as genuine and authentic as I can on social media because someone might be inspired by just that. At the end of the day, I think that being who you really are is what matters.

Share with us how living in two different cultures has impacted who you are as a person. How has it impacted who you are as a singer?

Being Mexican American is something that has impacted my life, but mostly my career since day one. It will always continue to impact my life mostly because I began my career in Latin America. That’s where I got my start in the music business. Both are completely different and have shaped the way I see the world today. I see being bi-cultural as a plus factor for the music I create because I can express myself in both languages and styles.

You’ve already accomplished so much in your home country of Mexico; what do you hope to do/see in the US?

The U.S. is my home country, but I have Hispanic roots. That is why I began my career in Mexico City.  I honestly have no limits on where I want to expand my career and I want to go as far as I can go with this. Some life goals I have would be to perform on Broadway and have my own world tour.

Tell us more about your hobbies.

I have so many hobbies I wish I could do them all in one day! Some of my favorites would be songwriting, playing ukulele, piano, editing videos, and I’m learning how to produce my own music. I’m finding producing to be very interesting and entertaining!

What kind of music was always playing in your house?

There was always a wide variation of music playing at my house. Ranging from Cumbia, Latin America and to Anglo 80’s music. Principally, those are the two style which I like incorporating into my music. So yes, I can say that my family influenced my musical taste.

Tell us more about your fashion style.

Apart from my music, fashion would be one of the most significant ways that I express myself. I don’t have a certain style I stick to because I take it day-by-day based on how I’m feeling and what I want to express that day. What I find most amusing about fashion is scouting and playing around with different variations of colorful and unique pieces of clothing.

You’re starting off 2020 strong, what do you hope to accomplish this year?

I have a bucket list of things I want to accomplish this year. I really want to get more into producing so I’ve been wanting to create a little home studio. This way I have more flexibility when deciding the types of sounds I want to incorporate in my music. I’m also going to be putting out a lot more music than I did last year. I’m very excited to see what I connected with this year and for everyone to listen. Stay on the lookout for my new music!


Photographer MEECH @meech213
Creative Direction ALEKSANDAR TOMOVIC @alekandsteph
Stylist LO VONRUMPF @stylelvr
Hair SISIAN ARZOOMANIAN @curlconfessions
Makeup SAISHA BEECHAM @saishabeecham
Production @BELLOMediaGroup x @MaisonPriveePR_LA x @bonnetalex18

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