Ronen Rubinstein

Starring in 9-1-1: Lone Star, Ronen Rubinstein is making his mark in the industry. It was during his Junior Year of High School that his path as an actor became apparent and since then, he has been working his way to the top. As he brings joy and entertainment through television, the talented actor also has bigger plans in mind. As his platform grows bigger, he is using it to his advantage to bring more awareness to saving the “Planet, the Humans and Animals on it.” Being an actor is more than just getting in front of the camera and making good television….and that is exactly what he is doing. Using his voice for something bigger than all of us, Ronen Rubinstein brings talent, purpose and a big heart to the table; a little something we can all learn from! Here at BELLO, we look forward to seeing what he does next so stay tuned!

By Alexandra Bonnet

Tell us more about your experiences on television. What has been your favorite project so far and why?

I’ve been pretty damn fortunate from the beginning of my career. My first Television appearance was on the revolutionary show Orange Is The New Black. I played the sweet and kind Nathan in Pennsatucky’s flashback in Season 3 Episode 10.  Shortly after, I starred in my first series regular role on Dead Of Summer. It released on Freeform in 2016 for only one Season. And currently, 911 Lone Star is my biggest and favorite project of my career so far. Ryan Murphy, FOX, Rob Lowe, Liv Tyler. What else do I need to say! (Laughing)

On set of 9-1-1: Lone Star, what was an obstacle you had to overcome and how did you do so?

I think the biggest obstacle was maintaining physical and mental stamina. Somedays we would start shooting at 6pm and finish at 8am the next day. A lot of the times the circumstances are really difficult both on our bodies and minds. But honestly, I enjoy the difficult times. They build you up to be a super durable Actor and Person all around.

When you were younger, did you always want to become an actor? What was your favorite tv show growing up?

I didn’t know I wanted to be an actor until I was thrown into it during my Junior Year of High School. However, I grew up watching as many films as I could. My favorite TV show growing up were shows like Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Lost and Prison Break. To this day, Season 1 of True Detective is my favorite TV Show so far.

This business can be tough. What do you do to stay connected to the “real” world when you are not on set?

I’m really close with my friends and family. I have an incredible support system. Also, staying connected to my fans and helping out wherever I can helps A LOT. Making myself available and a beacon of hope and positivity has kept me super connected to the “Real World” for years now.

What kind of genres are you interested in being in?

Drama, Drama, Drama. I’m always down to do any genre honestly. But I always lean towards Dramas.

If you could work alongside any actor/actress, who would it be and why?

BRAD. PITT. I’ve looked up to his work since I was a kid. His variety of characters is pretty exceptional.

As an actor, what is your most important goal?

To save the Planet, the Humans and Animals on it. This has been my goal for a few years now. The larger the projects and the larger my platform grows, the more I can do to help out. Simple as that.

During quarantine, did you tackle any new hobbies? 

I’ve actually been testing out making music. That’s kept my creative side alive.

How did the quarantine have a positive impact on your life?

It made me the most open and accessible as a human and “Celebrity.” I’ve taken this time to help others in whatever way I can. We can achieve anything when we come together for the greater good.

It’s 10 years from now. You’re sitting at the top of a mountain overlooking a beautiful view. Where are you at in life?

Hopefully my Partner, my kids and my dogs are sitting next to me. We look out at the world and say “Wow, that is some beautiful non-polluted fresh air” (laughs)

Share with us something most people do not know about you. 

Hmmm… maybe next time.

What can your fans expect next? 

Well, fortunately, we have Season 2 of Lone Star coming out early 2021. I also have two films coming out this fall that I am super proud of coming out. HOPEFULLY in theatre’s if it is safe. Other than that, I have some huge news about a couple of Ocean Conservation partnerships I’m proud to announce. All good things!


Photographer EKATERINA BELINSKAYA @avine_
Creative Direction ALEKSANDAR TOMOVIC @alekandsteph
Styling SKY JT NAVAL @sky_is_dlimit
Grooming SABINE TAYLOR @srollertaylor
Production @BELLOMediagroup x @Maisonpriveepr_la




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