Rodrigo Santoro

Rodrigo Santoro: TV’s New Adoptive Daddy

Rodrigo Santoro is definitely someone you have seen on both the big and small screen. From Romance, to Sci-Fi, to Mystery, Santoro has been entertaining audiences for many years. Today, we can see him on Paramount +’s “Wolf Pack”, but previous credits include Love, Actually, HBO’s Westworld, Charlie’s Angels, ABC’s Lost and so much more. Not to mention, this leading man was born in Rio de Janeiro which completely opens up his resume to many projects in Portuguese. In Paramount’s latest hit TV show, Santoro portrays Garrett, the adoptive father of two of the main characters portrayed by Tyler Lawrence Gray and Chloe Rose Robertson, and from the first time we see him, we know there is more to the character than we are first led to believe. Make sure to watch him in Wolf Pack this season and all of his other projects which we know will take you hours to view.

Thank you for speaking with us. For someone who has such a large resume and various acting roles, what drew you to be involved with “Wolf Pack”?

I’m a curious being and always end up somehow finding myself in a challenging position. I have never done a supernatural show before and the role they have offered me is full of interesting conflicts and I was very captivated by the story itself and its characters. I also really liked the themes in it. I thought it was a very smart way to discuss environmental issues and an incredibly relevant theme like anxiety disorder especially after a pandemic where so many people are suffering from severe anxiety everywhere around the globe.

Prior to shooting, did you have any knowledge of “Teen Wolf” or the book series by Edo Van Belkom? If not, how did you research/prepare for the audition?

Teen wolf was such an influential show for so many people. Yes I was aware of it but it is important to say that this show is not a spin off or has any direct relationship with the Teen wolf universe. The only thing is that it is created by the same person, Jeff Davis. The preparation process was based on researches on environmental issues and the routine and life of a park ranger. I also did a lot of reading about the mythology around werewolves.

Can you tell us more about your character and what you have done to really bring him to life?

Garrett is an adoptive father of two adolescents that have a very specific condition. He’s also a park ranger that serves a community but must hide important secrets about his personal life. When you meet him, he is in deep trouble and struggling both physically and emotionally. Ultimately, bringing him to life was a result of the preparation process combined with the collaboration with all the other artists on set.

Tyler Lawrence Gray and Chloe Rose Robertson play your children in the series. What’s it like working with them? Was there any kind of professional advice you were you able to give them?

Tyler and Chloe are very well-raised individuals, and as sweet and humble as it gets. You know it’s interesting, I get this question a lot about giving them advice but I actually learned a lot from them. It is the first time I ever worked with younger actors like them and it was very important that the process of working together was an equal exchange between us. It was great working with them, it truly was an invigorating experience for me.

Someone else on set who rivals your success is Sarah Michelle Geller. What was it like working with her?

You only need a few minutes with Sarah to understand how intelligent, strong and experienced she is. We actually got along really well from day one. She has been a terrific scene partner, and she has a great sense of humor which builds such a pleasant atmosphere on set.

What’s what thing that you hope people love most about the show or connect with most?

I think this show’s strength and heart is really when it explores what it’s like to be part of a family; the one you were born into and the one you find along the way while living your life. That concept and importance of having a family is what really touched me.

Can you tell us one of your favorite memories from shooting Season 1 of “Wolf Pack”?

Shooting the wildfire sequences was a real wild experience. We were outdoors in the middle of the woods in this beautiful place. It was summertime in Atlanta, incredibly hot and humid and I was running up and down for hours. The struggle and the sweat were real. I really like that kind of sequence–where everything around you only adds to and collaborates to build the truth of the scene.

May be difficult to answer but is there any type of role that you are hoping to play in the future? Something you haven’t gotten to do yet?

I’m very curious as I’ve mentioned. I have never performed action in a film before. I have been a part of an incredibly successful action film, 300 but unfortunately, I was never actually involved in the action sequences in the film. That’s something I think I could have a lot of fun doing and I’d love to do in a film.

Give us two truths and a lie, and hopefully our readers can figure out what the lie is.

I went to medical school before working as an actor Surfing is my favorite sport I like to do my own stunts

As you know Bello magazine is a fashion and lifestyle magazine. Can you share with our readers your take on style and fashion sense?

To me, style shows the world who you are. Fashion is like art—it’s an expression and an artistic manifestation of who you can be in different moments of your life.


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Photography DAVID HIGGS @higgsy_photography

Styling SIMONA SACCHITELLA @SimonaMalibu Grooming Sonia Lee  @sonialeeartistry

Assistant Photography DARELL BORQUEZ Assistant Styling ISAAC RODRIGUEZ @isaacmadeulook

Interview ED SOLORZANO @edsolo87 

Production Maison Privée x BELLO Media Group @maisonpriveepr_la x @bellomediagroup

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