Taking Solar Panels To A Whole New Level with Thundertruck

Ready to take a step into the future? Tired of seeing transportation cause so much harm to our planet? Well, solutions are being found and one, in particular, is the THUNDERTRUCK.
Thundertruck was developed by Wolfgang’s newly formed IP division, which focuses on incubating ideas, products, and properties that create positive impact. With offices in LA, NYC and access to a global team of specialists, Wolfgang has the ability to support an entire product development program. From research and strategy to initial sketches and first prototypes, all the way to advertising launch campaigns and content creation.
It looks like a military vehicle and has small similarities to Tesla’s Cybertruck. And for good reason, the machine would be able to go from 0 to 96 km / h in just 3.5 seconds despite its weight of 2776 kg! Make sure to keep checking this out as the future is HERE!
Photo from Website