Greyson Chance x Video for “Hellboy”

Talented and handsome, Greyson Chance has just released the music video for his single, “Hellboy.” A song about desire and allure, the artist put into words his feelings of being his most confident self. Through his music, he is able to express his deepest thoughts and feelings as he continues to tell meaningful stories. With his family behind him, Greyson Chance has been lucky to find himself surrounded by an aura of love and support no matter what! Check out his music video and keep reading on!
What was the inspiration behind “Hellboy.”
“Hellboy” had a very simple origin in nature. After spending such a large part of 2020 in quarantine and writing from my home studio in Oklahoma City, most of the music I had was serious in tone and quite emotional. I was in Nashville finishing up my record back in December, and I remember just wanting to have fun in the studio, and to not be so serious. “Hellboy” is a song about desire and allure, and how I envision myself being at my most confident self.
As an artist, which emotions do you prefer to tap into when making music?
It’s the worst answer to give you, but it truly does depend on the day and what mood I am in at the time. I am inspired by both the most specific and most abstract things. For me, as a songwriter, I want to tell meaningful and intentional stories. My upcoming record has its roots of inspiration in falling in love, but it also speaks to the fear of potentially losing that love. So that’s to say… emotionally I cover the whole gamut.
Tell us more about a time you were faced with an obstacle and how a song helped you overcome it.
My last album portraits was written mainly as a way to grieve my past relationship. I was so heartbroken at the time of writing that album, and I truly could see no light at the end of the tunnel. I wrote through that pain and channeled everything I had into making that album honest. I wanted its listeners who had gone through a similar struggle to know that their pain was validated and true. I felt that I owed it not only to them, but to myself as well.
Was there someone or something in particular that helped you throughout the time you had an eating disorder?
The biggest help for me through my eating disorder was therapy and a healthy reliance on my friends. I only told two of my friends about my battle with anorexia, but upon sharing my secret with them, they were able to hold me accountable in a true and helpful way. On days where they knew I hadn’t eaten, they would take me out, and help center me back into reality.
Where do you feel the safest?
In Oklahoma, in my studio.
Growing up, what was your childhood like?
I am so fortunate for my upbringing. It’s rare amongst the Queer community, but I was raised in a house full of love, acceptance, and mutual support. My parents had no money when I was a kid, and that created a tight knit connection between me, my parents, and my siblings. I am still to this day very inspired by my childhood memories, and the strength I learned from both of my parents.
Who has been your biggest supporter?
My entire family, no question about it. They have supported me through every high and low in my career.
What does the rest of 2021 look like for you?
It looks busy. If things go right, I will be back on the road again, which is currently what I am most looking forward to.